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Single Family Home in Royal Hawaiian Estates - Puna Hawaii
Enter through french doors into your new home in Royal Hawaiian Estates, Volcano. Pine tongue & groove vaulted ceiling in the main portion of the house add warmth to your forest home.
Custom glass face cabinets throughout the kitchen display your thoughtfully arranged kitchenwares. Beautiful 9ft island with granite & waterfall granite on the side counter cabinets. A chef’s dream of brand new appliances include a refrigerator, dish washer, range/oven & microwave.
Custom built hard wood entertainment center featuring an electric fireplace, and a space holder for a mounted television.
Featuring a primary bedroom with a slider door that has private access to the outside. The closet has built-in shelves & storage. Exquisitely tiled primary bathroom with 2 vessel sinks, counter space and bathroom vanity. Also with two additional bedrooms and a second bathroom with custom tile work.
In the carport is a brand new set of washer & dryer, and a deep basin sink. In the carport storage room you’ll find the hybrid electric/heat pump water heater system & the sought after UV water filtration system.
Fully fenced property located on a dead end street in Volcano, you're less than 5 miles away from the world-renowned Hawaii Volcanoes National Park.
Current real property tax is for land only, house not yet assessed for taxes.
11-3047 Kanilehua Pl Volcano 96785 is listed Courtesy of Coldwell Banker Island Properties - Hilo
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