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Single Family Home
Royal Hawaiian Estates - Puna
Come enjoy the cooler climate and the song birds of the forest in this perfectly appointed Volcano home. Sized just right for both function and comfort you will quickly realize that this home although smaller in size has all the space you need. The forested lot was thoughtfully cleared leave as much forest as possible to preserve the rainforest and it's native plants.
Unlike it's new neighbors with flatten lots and cookie cutter new build homes this property brings you back to what Volcano is all about, unique homes, privacy, greenery, solitude and serenity. 2 living/sitting rooms, 2 bedrooms, and 2 full baths are split between the two floors which offers you room to enjoy this home on your own or invite some guests for a long weekend, the choice is yours.
The owner built this home as their primary residence so thoughtful touches such as window coverings throughout, upgraded flooring, cedar lined closets and open shelving make it easy to move right in and call it home. You are just one step away from slow mornings and peaceful evenings, we invite you to take a look and make your rainforest home dreams a reality.
***Floor plan dimensions are approximate. - The information herein while deemed reliable may contain inaccuracies and is provided without warranty or guarantee of any kind. Tax records do not match actual bed and bath count; Buyer and Buyer's agent to do due diligence. Agents and buyers are advised to independently verify any information they deem material or important to the decision to purchase the property including, but not limited to, the condition, permits and square footage of the property. Square footage is approximate and should be verified by an appraisal. ***
11-3074-A Puolani St Volcano 96785 is listed Courtesy of Iokua Real Estate, Inc. - Hilo
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