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Single Family Home in Alae Point - South Hilo Hawaii
Generational opportunity to own a home on ocean side of exclusive Alae Point - a location for legend and legacy directly above Honoli’i Beach Park. The home is awe-inspiring and absolutely one of a kind- with award winning architecture and ocean views that stretch from Honoli’i point to Keaukaha and Hilo Bay. Get your surf report and weather forecast from your windows then walk to the beach from your own back door. The floorplan affords the luxury to operate as two separate units- one on each side of the porte cochere - with a design in mind to create a third to help maximize the property's potential.
The upstairs Great Room is a display of grandeur on another level- large redwood posts and beams with a T&G ceiling that peaks 20' above the slate floor where it's capped with a plexiglass cupola. Each corner has two lanais with doors that open wide when you want to let in the breeze and the light while the fresh new deck overlooks the fenced backyard and 60' lap pool with new pump and filtration system.
The two biggest bedrooms (appx 9' x 26') are equipped with accordion doors to make four rooms from two- each with its own door, window, and closet. Across the porte cochere the smaller hale comes complete with a bedroom, bathroom, loft, kitchenette, and its own W/D.
Find prominence and pride in a property perfect for parties and gatherings- plenty of parking to promote community and share your place with your people. Bring family and friends to amaze on holidays- Watch the fireworks on the First and the Fourth- See the sunrise surfers and whales at play while you watch your ship come in.
48 Makakai Pl Hilo 96720 is listed Courtesy of Hawaii Life
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