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Single Family Home in Haaheo Tract - South Hilo Hawaii
This nice 3 bedroom, 2-full bathroom ocean view home offers the ideal blend of privacy and natural beauty. Nestled on s secluded
end lot, the property embraces trade wind and great sunlight on a daily basis. It is just outside of downtown Hilo and situated on lava zone. It is literally minutes away from all the commonalities and convenience. This newly remodeled features:
New aluminum steel insulation panels ceiling, new floor, new appliances, new toilets, new countertops throughout, new cabinets, new window coverings, new light fixtures, new concrete driveway and parking, new locks, etc.
West and south sides of the property are next to a gulch with some water sounds occasionally, and with also the lush vegetation so you hardly see neighbors' house across from the gulch, adding to the serene atmosphere.
Siting in the living room and looking out, you may see cruiseship passing by at times and spirit-lifting sunrise.
The open-concept layout with large windows that flood the space with natural light and maximize the views of nature.
A high yield avocado tree and breadfruit tree stand erectly on the side next to the gulch producing good deal of taste fruits.
The laundry is under its finished basement creating a quiet enjoyment in the home. The specious basement also can be used as a storage, habit room, or make into a kids' playground.
Electric was rewired throughout. laundry room, kitchen, bathroom, and hot water heater pluming are new. Fumigation is scheduled on April 16th, 2025.
27 Akamai Loop Hilo 96720 is listed Courtesy of Real Broker Llc
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