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Vacant Land
Hakalau Estates Subdivision - South Hilo
This vacant lot located on Old Mamalahoa Highway in Hakalau is now available for sale, offering a prime opportunity to build on a smaller lot on the Hamakua Coast. There are ocean views and with trimming back foliage along the north boundary, a wider expanse of ocean view is available.
The 15,507 sq ft lot comes with an approved and transferable building permit for a single-family residence featuring five bedrooms and five bathrooms. The main house design includes four bedrooms and four and a half bathrooms, while the separate garage boasts an additional bedroom and bath above. Stamped architectural plans from the county building department are included, along with a swimming pool design and permit. A well permit has been applied for, or there is also the option to use catchment water.
The driveway entrance is already completed, featuring a 10-inch thick gravel base course with underlayment fabric.
The septic permit was issued, and the system, which includes a 1,350-gallon septic tank and a 576 square-foot absorption bed, has been installed and inspected by an engineer.
There is NO HOA on this lot as it is not in the Hakalau Plantation Village Subdivision. Current property taxes are up to date, making this lot a hassle-free investment with immense potential for a contractor or a private home builder.
29-2266 Old Mamalahoa Highway 1 Hakalau 96710 is listed Courtesy of Compass
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