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Vacant Land in Hakalau Homesteads - South Hilo Hawaii
Nicely configured 10 + acre parcel (548' x 810' approximately) at an ideal elevation in Hakalau, 15 miles north of Hilo with a 3 bay warehouse on a concrete slab. "Heritage Building Systems" (40' x 60' = 2,400 sq. ft.) steel frame warehouse is located at the top of the property with a solid driveway leading to it. Fully permitted warehouse features built in work benches, windows, and it is fully insulated.
There is a toilet & running water outside adjacent the building with 2 chemtainer plastic catchment tanks along with a cesspool that is not permitted.
There is an excellent view of the blue Pacific ocean.
Lava hazard zone 8. Good deep soil.
Gated & fully fenced, the mauka boundary has a mature hedge of large Tahitian gardenia. Bordering the HIlo side fence is a mature tree line of native Kaimani. Up until now the pasture was home to a few head of happy cattle.
Large parcels surround the subject property, so everyone has some elbow room.
HELCO is available, however no pole on site.
MLS# 717020
29-292 Kulaiwi Rd Hakalau 96710 is listed Courtesy of Coldwell Banker Island Properties - Kamuela
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