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Single Family Home in Hakalau - Iki - South Hilo Hawaii
Located just 20 minutes from Hilo in Hakalau on the famous Hamakua Coast you will find this jewel! A well built, and designed for flexibility, custom home on almost 18,000 SF with lush landscaping and food in the yard. It was built with an eye to the sky to take advantage of the incomparable night sky views in this small area free of light pollution.
Set back at the top of the lot, this two bedroom two bath gem has an open flowing floor plan, beautiful kitchen with quartz countertops, island, dining nook, large walk in pantry, and Lifeproof flooring. An oversized soaking tub to enjoy! Having two separate entrances there is the potential to be two separate units to suit the changing stages of life.
Tastefully executed, the quartz countertops are throughout and fixtures include LED lighting. The attached garage was previously used as an art studio and houses the laundry center. Loads of potential there too.
On county water, the home has a large-capacity solar water tank with automatic electric backup. A rear entry ramp provides easy access for loading/unloading. Originally designed with a future second story above the garage and kitchen in mind, the septic system was planned accordingly for 3 bedrooms, two baths.
The Kitchen Garden is right out your front door! Two raised beds in front of the house are perfect for growing both flowers and vegetables, both decorative and practical. The yard is planted with specifically chosen banana varieties, avocado, mac nut, jaboticaba, torch gingers and there's lots more room for additions.
The Hakalau Veteran's Park is a short walk away and hosts the weekly Tuesday Farmer's Market. Kolekole and Hakalau Beach Parks as well as Akaka Falls are nearby for close recreation.
The quality is clear to see and one can feel the home’s special character in the thoughtful layout. A home that offers more useable space than the square footage implies, and a welcoming warmth that exists by design.
29-2219 Old Mamalahoa Highway Hakalau 96710 is listed Courtesy of Gwen Herrington, Sole Proprietor
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