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Single Family Home in Kaiwiki Homesteads I & Ii - South Hilo Hawaii
Tucked away on 5.06 acres of lush land, this 2-story home offers a unique and versatile floor plan that can easily be used as two separate units—ideal for multi-generational living or rental potential.
Homes like this are a rare find in the Kaiwiki region, known for its rich history and quiet, country living. Because of this, there is very little turn-over, making this property even more special. Offering stunning views of natural beauty and a strong sense of community, you'll easily fall in love with the area.
Leading up to the home is a long, cane road that is a nod to the area’s rich plantation and agricultural history. This road offers private access to the property, which unfolds as you travel the winding, driveway. Once at the top, the true majesty of the land reveals itself. Sprawling views of the ocean, surrounding pasture lands and the Hilo valley are prominent. As you explore further you’ll find a creek running along the northern edge of the property and an old orchard with a variety of fruit trees. With a little love and care, the orchard could easily thrive once again!
Built with durable fur wood, this home features vaulted ceilings with exposed wood beams on the top level, creating a sense of space and warmth. Large windows fill the home with natural light, and both levels offer lanais with grand views of the ocean and surrounding land. Each level features one bedroom and one bathroom. Upstairs you’ll find a full kitchen, while downstairs is a kitchenette.
A community park is located just down the road, offering a field and covered pavilion for occasional gatherings. In addition, the home enjoys strong cell service, and the ocean views from both levels are simply breathtaking.
This is more than just a home; it’s a rare opportunity to own a piece of Hilo history in one of the area’s most coveted regions. With its unique floor plan, stunning land, and rich history, this property is truly special!
2560 Kaiwiki Rd 1 Hilo 96720 is listed Courtesy of Day-Lum Rentals & Management Inc.
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