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Single Family Home in Lehia Park Residential Lots - South Hilo Hawaii
?? Wake up and turn in to the sound of shoreline waves ?? and warm breezes ?? in Keaukaha??. This well designed and over-built, steel framed constructed house is well suited for full-time living or the weekend getaway. Located across the street from the ocean and alkaline ponds, public access to the water is a short distance away.
Enjoy all of the amenities of town living but feel like your away from it all, with county water and sewer connections, high speed internet, mail delivery and overhead electric. A great layout for entertaining with it's open kitchen/living and tall ceilings. A separate dining room also opens to the front lanai with french doors. Two full bathrooms and bedrooms each with their own lanai access, plus interior laundry complete the west wing of the house. Several ingress/egress points with ramp or stairs, add to the house's relaxed flow. An extra large garage has enough space for a workshop and 2 car parking. Located well above the BFE (with an elevation certificate to confirm), insurance rates are minimal. There's ample storage/work space below the house surrounded by sturdy concrete walls, keeping the space cool. With nearly a half acre of land, the lot feels private with low maintenance and room to grow.
2028 Kalanianaole St Hilo 96720 is listed Courtesy of Corcoran Pacific Properties
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