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Single Family Home in Onomea Bay Ranch - South Hilo Hawaii
Escape to tranquility in this tastefully designed 1-bedroom, 1-bath home, beautifully nestled on an expansive 20-acre country estate. Perfectly blending comfort and elegance, this charming residence offers a thoughtfully designed interior filled with natural light, quality finishes, and serene views across the vast surrounding pasture land.
Enjoy outstanding panoramic views of the ocean and majestic views of Mauna Kea from this quiet, peaceful property. The sprawling grounds present an unparalleled opportunity for relaxation and recreation, graced by an active year round stream that gently borders the property and cascades into a picturesque waterfall, creating an idyllic backdrop for quiet reflection or entertaining guests.
Ideal as a private getaway or a peaceful full-time residence, this unique estate promises endless enjoyment of nature, privacy, and tranquility. Explore trails along the riverside, cultivate your garden, raise livestock, or simply relax to the soothing sounds of silence.
Experience country living at its finest in this rare and enchanting sanctuary.
Information herein deemed reliable but not guaranteed. Buyer and Buyers Agent to do their own due diligence of all pertinent facts.
27-791 Onohi Loop Papaikou 96783 is listed Courtesy of Better Homes And Gardens Real Estate Hank Correa Realty
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