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Single Family Home in Pepeekeo Point Subdivision - South Hilo Hawaii
Wonderful opportunity to own this beautiful custom ceder retreat. As you enter this Estate through the Eletric gate you will see all its grandness with ample 6298 square feet of space for everyone to enjoy. As you wake up to the sunrise over the ocean you can sometimes see whales breaching and playing in the distance. If you need more room this is the house for you. It has rooms galore you can turn them into a gym, media room, yoga, Hobbie, nursery, loft and still have space for your office. Must see to believe. This striking custom-built cedar home with Italian porcelain tile throughout is ready to welcome its new owners into a slice of Hawaiian paradise. Inside this exquisite home, find 3 spacious bedrooms, 3 luxurious full baths, 3 convenient half baths, and a myriad of versatile options. For those with a passion for vehicles, the property boasts a three-car garage ideal for cars, trucks, or farm equipment, as well as a one-car carport equipped with an electric car charger. The primary bedroom is a grand retreat unto itself, with two separate walk-in showers, Two separate walk in closets, dual side-by-side vanities. Sleek, custom seamless glass-top sinks throughout! All windows have reflective tint allowing open views. Living, dining and bedrooms extend to a sprawling 12,016sf lanai, for uninterrupted vistas of the ocean’s horizon.
28-425 Overpass Rd Pepeekeo 96783 is listed Courtesy of Coldwell Banker Realty
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