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Single Family Home in Piihonua Houselots - 2Nd Series - South Hilo Hawaii
Tucked away in the verdant surroundings of South Hilo near the Wailuku River, this charming home features an open layout, open-beam ceiling, fireplace, covered lanai & more! Ideally located just minutes from downtown, the bay front's dining and shopping options and only two blocks from Hilo Medical Center. It’s also less than a mile from scenic Rainbow Falls and Boiling Pots.
The home exudes a chic treehouse ambiance, highlighted by vaulted ceilings, built-in features, and a striking fireplace in the living area. The kitchen is a culinary delight, boasting granite countertops, stainless steel appliances, a farmhouse sink, custom tile work, a breakfast bar, and a convenient pass-through to the dining area. The cabinetry throughout the house has been uniquely treated to create a distinctive textured finish, adding to the home's charm.
A delightful covered lanai off the entryway offers additional space for living and dining, opening up to a lush backdrop of tropical greenery. This area connects to a covered walkway that runs along the east side of the house.
The property includes a spacious two-car garage and a fully equipped interior laundry room. Situated on a 15,000-square-foot lot in an established Hilo neighborhood surrounded by other vintage homes, this property offers a highly desirable location with charm.
1408 Waianuenue Ave Hilo 96720 is listed Courtesy of Compass
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