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Condo in Waiakea - South Hilo Hawaii
Tranquil Studio Condo with views of a small peaceful Waterfall & Pond in the Waiakea Villas! Studio offers a big double slider door out to a lanai that over looks a small waterfall and serene pond. Condo is approximately 380sqft of living space plus a 90sqft covered lanai is close by the Wailoa River side of the complex.
~ Relax on your back Lanai with lush bamboo, passing through wildlife such as charming ducks and koi fish
~ Cozy studio layout with potential for upgrades and personal touches
~ Full kitchen with Range, Microwave and Fridge
~ Full bathroom with shower tub combo
~ Sold furnished to help you start out, except for the staging
~ Investment opportunity for long-term or short-term rentals (STVR)
~ Spacious complex Pool and Mailboxes just steps away from this Building
~ Coin-operated community laundry room
~ Condo could use some TLC
~ Centrally Located in Hilo near: Airport, Walmart, Shopping Centers, Restaurants, Coffee shops, Downtown, College and more!
~ Enjoy close Parks and Beaches like: Waiakea Pond, Wailoa River State Recreation Area, Hilo Bay, Carlsmith Beach Park and Richardson Ocean Park
~ Embrace the beauty and potential of this unique getaway!
Monthly Association Fees cover: common area electricity, water, sewer, and gas. Plus, dues cover common area maintenance and insurance for the swimming pool upkeep, parking facilities, landscape maintenance, trash collection and contributions to a reserve fund. Check with AOAO for Pet Policy.
MLS 718675
400 Hualani St 1205 Hilo 96720 is listed Courtesy of Coldwell Banker Island Properties - Kona
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