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Single Family Home
Ainamalu At Waikoloa Beach Resort - South Kohala
Beautiful 3 bedroom 2 bathroom single family home with a pool and solar located in Ainamalu at Waikoloa Beach Resort.
Some of the features include, but not limited to:
The extra deep (7 ft)salt water pool has a large sundeck and a great gazebo and a large concrete lanai space.
Paid solar with 2 Tesla power wall batteries
The open kitchen features modern cabinets with quartz counter tops, piped propane for stove- 9 foot ceilings throughout with 14 foot vaulted ceiling in the great room, Tile in kitchen and baths and Vinyl plank flooring throughout the home.
Main bedroom has large walk in closet, large soaking tub, and both an indoor and outdoor shower.
Central vac
And private gated entry patio.
Enjoy a screened in back lanai and fully fenced large yard.
Wood exterior doors and sliders
2-car garage with a workshop area plus additional parking
Metal roofing
Mauna Kea, Mauna Loa & Hualalai views from the front yard and a Maui view from the back yard.
Mauna Kea, Mauna Loa & Hualalai views from the front yard and a Maui view from the back yard.
Extensive landscaping with drip irrigation, weed barriers and with multiple fruit tree varieties
Because this house is located in a Resort Node, a Nonconforming Use Certificate is not required. You can choose to use this as a STVR or not, as can subsequent owners.
Additionally, the main bedroom is designed to be completely separate from the rest of the house, allowing for some owners to live in the main house while enjoying incredible passive income from using the third bedroom as a STVR. This home gives owners incredible flexibility.
Enjoy living in this home with its close proximity to great shopping, groceries and dining in Kings' Shops & Queens' Marketplace and Anaeho’omalu Bay.
69-9191 Ainamalu St Waikoloa 96738 is listed Courtesy of Better Homes And Gardens Real Estate Island Lifestyle
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