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Vacant Land
Hapuna Estates At Mauna Kea Resort Iii - South Kohala
Crowning Mauna Kea Resort, the Hapuna Estates is an exclusive single family community with expansive and unparalleled 360° views. Every homesite provides dramatic golf course and sunset views. These homesites offer a short walk to the Hapuna Estates Amenity Center, with an easy connection to the private fitness, pools, orchard and waterslide of this vibrant community center.
This 0.858-acre lot is at 462' elevation with expansive ocean, coastline, mountain and golf views, unobstructed from Kona to Maui. Lot 33 is one of the most amazing, wide view lots on the coast, if not the best. This is a shovel-ready, fully permitted opportunity saving you at least 2 years of work, with a building permit and HOA approval for a spectacular contemporary 5BR residence with 6,629sf of air-conditioned area, additional 2,005sf of lanais, a 3-car garage and a spectacular, infinity-edge pool. Owners may choose to join the Club at Mauna Kea Resort and enjoy both the Westin Hapuna and Mauna Kea Beach Hotel amenities including golf courses, beaches, pools, fitness centers, spas, tennis & pickleball courts and various restaurants.
62-6065 Amaui Lani Pl Kamuela 96743 is listed Courtesy of Hapuna Realty
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