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Single Family Home in Lalamilo Farm Lots - South Kohala Hawaii
Lalamilo is home to some of the most notable farms in the region due to its rich soil and plenty of horse owners. The property borders the famous Parker Ranch and Richard Smart Estate which houses Parker Ranch headquarters and encompasses over 250 acres of land.
This entirely fenced and gated property sits on a knoll top with three paddocks in addition to the house. This charming abode can facilitate a conversion to an equestrian property or growing diverse crops as it is zoned for agricultural use. Wide open space and unparalleled views facing the Kohala Mountain Range and Waimea's famous hill Hokuula, also known as "Buster Brown," in Waimea, make this property a golden opportunity for a buyer with an eye for sustainable living, close to Waimea town, close to shopping, schools, farmers markets, Kahilu Theater, and medical care.
The design of the upper floor gives views of the ocean as well as the full mountain range, Mauna Kea, Mauna Loa and Hualalai and brings to light a spacious living area with a seamless flow between kitchen and dining area. The kitchen island and plenty of counter and cabinet space caters to family life in a comfortable setting. A wood burning stove flume in the living room is available if you wish to add a fireplace or wood burning stove to add to the charm of a modern rural lifestyle. Three bedrooms upstairs with a full expansive bathroom that features a gorgeous, tiled glass block shower.
On the floor below, a beautiful well-equipped separate studio with a lovely lanai and private entrance facing the beautiful views of Waimea and Kohala Mountain range can accommodate extended family or visitors. This downstairs living quarter is well appointed with a full kitchen, bathroom and laundry.
In addition, there is a second, entirely separate and independent room downstairs - a total of 2 private living areas downstairs.
Vehicles can be stationed in a separate covered carport, with additional workshop and storage space.
66-1400 Lalamilo Farm Rd Kamuela 96743 is listed Courtesy of Megacapital Hawaii Corp
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