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Single Family Home in Mauna Kea Resort - Bluffs At Mauna Kea - South Kohala Hawaii
62-3682 Kewai St is an extraordinary and rare oceanfront property nestled in the prestigious Mauna Kea Resort on the Big Island of Hawaii. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, marking the first time in 17 years that an oceanfront home has been listed on the coveted oceanfront row between the renowned Mauna Kea and Hapuna Hotels. Boasting the exclusivity of being one of only 10 oceanfront homes, this residence offers an unparalleled chance to own a piece of paradise. Situated strategically between the two most expansive white-sand beaches on the Big Island, this home in The Bluffs community provides a luxury Big Island experience like no other. The 44-acre community, with only 20 single-family lots, was originally part of the master plan for Mauna Kea Resort. The bluff side estates offer breathtaking ocean views and tropical breezes, creating an idyllic setting. The residence itself features 7 bedrooms, a well-appointed kitchen with koa cabinetry, 2,000 bottle wine room, a soundproof theater room, detached guest quarters, and an ocean-facing office with built-in koa cabinetry. An entertainer’s dream, at the center of the main room is a grand 16 person dining space with an elegant koa table, which seamlessly matches the impressive koa cabinetry and craftsmanship throughout the home. The landscape, designed by Loriann Gordon, complements the architecture crafted by the acclaimed Hamlet Charles "Lucky" Bennett, known for building iconic homes along the coast. Additionally, the property includes an approved Short-Term Vacation Rental (STVR). The construction, executed by Clever Construction, ensures the highest quality build and attention to detail. Don't miss this chance to own a piece of Hawaiian paradise in an unparalleled oceanfront setting, surrounded by the natural beauty and luxury amenities of Mauna Kea Resort.
62-3682 Kewai Pl Kamuela 96743 is listed Courtesy of Private Listings By Harold X Clarke
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