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Single Family Home
Mauna Kea Resort - Mauna Kea Fairways South - South Kohala
The first new construction in Mauna Kea Resort’s South Fairways in 25 years. Over 6 years in the making and spotlighted by The Wall Street Journal, Hale Koa Kea is a singular architectural achievement, one of the most unique properties on the Kohala Coast. Inspired by Ludwig Mies van der Rohe’s 1929 Barcelona Pavilion, the 4,700 SF house consists of two wings connected by 120-ft-long white sandstone and glass gallery. In addition to serving as a entertaining reception space, the gallery also graciously separates the home’s three ensuite guest suites from the owner’s quarters.
The masterful siting of the residence allows for some of the finest sweeping views of the Kohala Coast in all of Mauna Kea Resort. The home boasts stunning 180-degree ocean and coastline views, perfectly positioned to enjoy mesmerizing sunsets year-round.
The heart of the home is the spectacular living hale, with soaring 12’ glass walls, an open kitchen, and expansive seating area with floor-to-ceiling ocean vistas. Designed for intimate entertaining, the living hale flooring extends out to the patio and infinity pool. The primary suite features floor-to-ceiling glass walls, seamlessly blending the indoor and outdoor living spaces. Expansive sliding glass doors lead to an infinity pool that appears to merge with the vast Pacific Ocean. The luxurious primary bathroom opens to an outdoor shower and lounge area through elegant bifold doors.
This turn-key estate is impeccably furnished with a curated collection of vintage and modern pieces. Highlights include three signed original John Kelly works and restored mid-century lighting fixtures including a Murano glass Seguso ball chandelier. Every element has been handpicked to create a space that is both stunning and functional, offering an unparalleled blend of luxury, privacy, and connection to nature. Hale Koa Kea is truly a legacy property, setting a new standard for architectural excellence in Hawaii.
62-3685 Leihulu Pl Kamuela 96743 is listed Courtesy of Hawaii Life
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