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Single Family Home in Nohea At Mauna Lani - South Kohala Hawaii
Nohea at Mauna Lani is a premier development situated in the westernmost part of the renowned Mauna Lani Resort near the New Auberge Collection Hotel. Check out the 3-D Walkthrough by clicking the video link. This home is new construction, ready winter of 2024, and offers a Modern, Tropical-inspired design with majestic views of the Kohala Mountains and beyond. Once inside enjoy premier privacy, 5 bedrooms and 4 full bathrooms, and high-end fixtures and finishes that await your inspection. Owners enjoy exclusive access to Nohea's full-featured amenity center with an owner's Hale, including a full kitchen and plenty of room for gatherings of friends and family. Combine this with Nohea's exercise hale and BBQ pavilions, and you have an amenity package second to none. In addition to the stunning beaches found at the owner's Beach Club at Makaiwa Bay, enjoy the ancient fishponds along with the 1.5 miles of shoreline within Mauna Lani. Enjoy the restaurants and boutiques within easy walking distance at the Shops of Mauna Lani. Incredible finishes and hardware accentuate the rich hardwood trim, doors, and cabinetry. Sliding doors open to views of the private pool and rear yard, offering plenty of privacy. Enjoy Chef's kitchen with Wolfe, six burner gas range, Sub Zero refrigeration, and luxurious cabinetry. Hardwood floors throughout accentuate the matching trim and doors. All bathrooms feature porcelain tile and engineered stone countertops. This home includes a heated, free-form pool, spa, and plenty of deck area for large gatherings. Nohea offers right-sized home sites with views to golf fairways and the majestic Mauna Kea, Hualalai, and Kohala Mountains and beyond all, cooled by pacific breezes and lulled by sounds of the ocean not far away. Uniquely positioned within the heart of the Resort. Property listed at construction start. Days on the market reflect time under construction.
68-1008 Nohea Makai St Kamuela 96743 is listed Courtesy of Coldwell Banker Island Properties - Kamuela
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