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Single Family Home in Puukapu Homesteads - South Kohala Hawaii
Welcome to Hale Lilinoe of Waimea. This custom open concept home welcomes you with an ambiance of 9 ft ceilings, hardwood floors and views. The Kitchen is equipped with large solid granite countertops, Stainless Steel appliances and a Gas range that every chef would be proud of. The dining room opens up to a large living room with a granite fireplace to warm you up on those cold Waimea nights. The Master Bedroom comes with a custom walk in closet and a master bathroom with a jacuzzi tub for ultimate relaxation. Double glass sliding doors welcomes you outside to a private Gazebo equipped with a table top fire pit, barbecue, a water feature and beautiful landscaping that offers a relaxing retreat or the perfect spot to host guests.
Walk through the lush garden and pick lemons and limes. Beautifully curated plants include Native Hawaiian Hapu'u ferns, Hinahina, Ki Leaf, succulents and many more beautiful plants.
The home also features a rare Ohana unit or In-laws quarters. A, 1 bedroom and 1 full bath, with a private entrance.
One of the key features of this home is it is ADA accessible and it is beautifully situated in Waimea town that sits at the base of Mauna Kea. Creating this unique positioning ensures that you'll experience a comfortable climate throughout the year with views of green rolling hills, forest and pasture. Waimea is one of the most beautiful regions on the island while still being in close proximity to great schools such as Hawaii Preparatory Academy & Parker School and close to North Hawaii Community Hospital.
64-721 Keaka Kea Pl Kamuela 96743 is listed Courtesy of Hawaii Development Group
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