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Single Family Home in Sunset Ridge At Waikoloa - South Kohala Hawaii
Treat yourself to affordable solar power for the entire house: a net-metered photovoltaic system. Owned, not leased. That's right, this three-bedroom two two-bath home located in the center of Waikoloa Village comes with a rare net-metered PV system that is no longer offered to the public by the utility provider. This Sunset Ridge home has so many more conveniences and qualities.
The conveniences to appreciate are plentiful. Centrally located, the home is far enough from the rush of the Waikoloa Road, yet convenient to the shopping, restaurants, golf course, and recreation facilities. Just a few miles down the road gets you to the beaches and resorts. A few miles in the other direction gets you to Waimea town. Down the coast will lead you to the Kona International Airport, Costco, and Kailua-Kona town.
The qualities are too numerous to include them all. The generously sized owner suite is situated on the opposite side of the home from the other two large bedrooms, making it perfect for privacy - whether the rooms be used by family or guests. High ceilings and an open concept living area at the center of the home add further to the allure, providing space for larger gatherings. Large kitchen - yes. Big closets - affirmative. Natural light - in abundance. And, it only gets better: the front yard has a wonderful lawn and paved areas that faces the coastline and sunsets. The backyard is more intimate and private with a spacious covered patio - perfect for hosting barbecues, game night, or some simple old-fashioned relaxation. With the three-car garage and a large paved driveway, there is plenty of off-street parking available for all occasions. A property like this allows you to determine what those occasions are with few limitations...
68-1693 Malie St Waikoloa 96738 is listed Courtesy of Kw Big Island
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