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Single Family Home
Waikoloa Village - South Kohala
Located in the growing subdivision of Waikoloa, this custom home has recently undergone updates. The rooms are spacious, and the great room features impressive grandeur. The current owners have installed a new split AC system for comfort. One of the standout features of this home is its breathtaking ocean views, with Maui visible from the backyard on clear days.
The home features three bedrooms. Two of these bedrooms—the primary bedroom and one additional bedroom—each have their own en-suite bathrooms. The third bedroom has a full bathroom located directly across the hall. Additionally, there is a fourth bedroom or flex room that can be customized to meet your needs.
The kitchen and dining room boast hardwood floors, granite countertops, and an ample amount of cabinets. There is a window at the kitchen sink that looks out onto the large deck and backyard.
The deck and backyard provide an ideal setting for both entertaining and relaxation. The yard is beautifully landscaped and easy to navigate. Fruit trees include, mature Avocado, Mandarin, Meyer Lemon, Valencia Orange, and Tahitian Lime. An outdoor shower is perfect for a quick rinse after a day spent in the yard or a trip to the beach, making it easy to unwind in the spa afterward. Swim Spa Is a MasterSpa Trainer 15D, is brand new and an extra deep 60" and 15 feet long. This gives the swimmer an area perfect for family fun or swimming and seats with hydrotherapy jets to relax and rejuvenate.
The property features a two-car garage, and there is additional outdoor parking space that can accommodate up to 2 additonal cars. Downstairs, next to the garage, there is
another bonus room with its own private entry. This room includes a sink, making it perfect for use as an office, an arts and crafts room, or any other purpose that suits your needs.
The photovoltaic (PV) system was installed in 2012 under a net metering agreement with Helco, and the inverters were replaced in 2021.
68-1942 Lina Poepoe St Waikoloa 96738 is listed Courtesy of Redfin Corporation
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