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Waikoloa Village - South Kohala
Looking for a clean two bedroom condo in Waikoloa walkable to the golf course, two pools, the clubhouse, tennis and pickle-ball courts? This unit offers excellent value in a great location. Waikoloa Village has excellent weather and everything you need including grocery shopping, veterinary service, restaurants, hardware store, etc. It's also in close proximity to the resorts so you have easy access to restaurants, beaches, and shopping.
This condo shares only one wall with neighbors, providing excellent light with windows on three sides of the unit. The layout provides for two nice sized bedrooms, two bathrooms, in unit washer/dryer, and good storage.
The building has a new roof, and all of the buildings are getting a fresh coat of paint in a more calm and cool color scheme.
The lanai off the living room is a great place to have your morning coffee or afternoon cocktail and enjoy the views of Maui. The lanai also has a small storage closet for your tools or beach gear. The unit can be sold furnished with the current furnishes (art and some staging decor excluded).
Recent improvements for this unit include:
- Additional cabinet storage under the overhang
- Fresh paint in the bathrooms
- Newer laminate flooring in the living and bedroom spaces
- Newer windows in the bedrooms (double hung and easy to clean)
- Window AC unit in the primary bedroom
The 2024 special assessment has been paid for by Seller.
68-3831 Lua Kula St D107 Waikoloa 96738 is listed Courtesy of Knutson & Associates
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