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Condo in Waikoloa Village - South Kohala Hawaii
A choice spot in a scenic neighborhood! Enjoy your private lanai, adding the Island style outdoor living with views over the golf course to the blue Pacific and gorgeous sunsets! This charming upper level corner condo has been meticulously maintained and renovated by owners who live there most of the year. Numerous improvements have been made, including but not limited to:
New range, microwave, dishwasher
New kitchen cabinets, quartz countertops, main floor bath vanity and countertop and backsplash
Removed popcorn ceiling
New flooring in living room and bedroom
New flooring in hall, kitchen and main floor bath
All new lighting fixtures
All new faucets, new kitchen and main floor bath sinks and toilet
New paint 2020 and 2024
New Water heater
New lanai screen and sun screens installed
Installed etched glass on stairwell landing
Installed new handrail
The majority of these renovations were done in 2024.
Sold partially furnished per inventory.
C200 also has the advantage of being an active participant in Waikoloa Villas photovoltaic solar system.
This exceptional condo is within the Waikoloa Villas equally well maintained property with colorful, mature landscaping, two cabanas with swimming pools, spas, outdoor kitchens and barbecue areas. HOA Dues benefits: security, pool maintenance, landscaping, internet, basic cable, water, sewer, trash collection, insurance and both exterior and interior pest control.
Membership in the Waikoloa Village Association adds golf discounts , tennis(pickleball) all conveniently close by.
68-3840 Lua Kula St C200 Waikoloa 96738 is listed Courtesy of Hapuna Realty
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