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Condo in Waikoloa Village - South Kohala Hawaii
Rarely available, Paniolo Gardens in Waikoloa Village offers the convenience of single-level, no-stairs condo living with exceptional privacy and stunning golf course views.
Situated along the Waikoloa Village Golf Course's 10th green and 14th tee box, you can enjoy watching the action all day. Plus, this property features one of the largest yards in the community and a charming peekaboo ocean view!
A huge feature is the complex is pet-friendly! Allowing one dog and one cat under 40 lbs & under 2 feet in height! However, short-term vacation rentals of less than 30 days are not permitted per the homeowners association.
This property is being sold furnished per inventory and features two bedrooms, two bathrooms, and an oversized walk-in closet. Custom wood tables and TV stands, all beautifully handcrafted, add a unique charm to the home. The complex is low-density, featuring just 17 condos, each with spacious lanais offering excellent views.
Paniolo Gardens is ideally located just a short distance from Waikoloa Highlands Shopping Center and Waikoloa Plaza, offering a variety of restaurants, shops, and services. Ownership includes membership in the Waikoloa Village Association, with an annual fee of $1,080. This provides access to community amenities such as tennis and pickleball courts, a lap pool, and excellent discounts at the golf course. Truly a wonderful place to call home!
68-3868 Paniolo Ave B102 Waikoloa 96738 is listed Courtesy of Hawaii Life
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