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Vacant Land in Waimea Parkside - South Kohala Hawaii
Rare Waimea Parkside land parcel ready for the development of a Magnolia Home Floorplan, offered by the developer! Skip the hassles of finding a builder and architect, and spending months coming up with the design...plans are already permitted and ready to launch construction quickly for a lovely 3-bedroom, 2-bath, single-level home of approximately 1,750 square feet on this nearly quarter-acre lot. The best part - at this stage, you can still decide on colors and finishes to customize the home to your taste!
Waimea Parkside is located in the heart of charming Waimea town, among the rolling green hills of the cool upcountry with majestic views of Mauna Kea towering above - often covered in snow during the winter months. Enjoy twice-a-week farmer's markets offering the best in local produce and other goods from local vendors, close proximity to TWO of the Big Island's best private schools, and all of the conveniences of town life just a short distance away. Need to warm up? Head down the hill just 15 minutes to the sublime beaches of the famed Kohala Coast, filled with tons of options for golf, tennis, water sports, and resort amenities. Waimea is true Hawaiian living, with friendly neighbors who wave and value the pace, beauty, and history of this special community.
65-1257 Ohu Rd Kamuela 96743 is listed Courtesy of Compass
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