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Single Family Home in Waimea Parkside - South Kohala Hawaii
Beautifully appointed and lightly lived in stunner in Waimea’s highly sought after, benchmark neighborhood; Waimea Parkside! Four bedrooms and 3 and 1/2 baths are generously spread out over nearly 3,000 square feet of interior living space, making this “Jacaranda” model the largest of the subdivision’s floor plans by noted builder; Tingluey Developement.
This home exudes true craftsmanship rarely seen outside of the Big Island’s gated resorts. Rich engineered hardwood floors, exalted ceilings, Travertine tile and Alder cabinets lend a style and sophistication to this graciously appointed home. With 2 en-suite primary bedrooms downstairs and 2 guest bedrooms with shared bathroom upstairs, there is abundant space for the extended or expanding family.
Gated and enclosed side yards make Pet ownership easy, while the surrounding views of lush, green mountains, will endow you with a sense of peace. Solar tubes and double hung, daylight facing windows ensure a light-filled and bright environment. A gas fireplace and radiant heat floors in the bathrooms will keep you cozy on those brisk Waimea mornings!
Needing a convenient location to town and the sevices of Waimea? Look no further! Both HPA lower campus and Parker School are mere blocks away, in addition to the ever popular Saturday Farmer’s market. With world-class resorts, beaches and dining a short drive away, you will be well positioned for all that the magnificent Kohala Coast has to offer. Enjoy all of the best of the Big Island, in this charming neighborhood, for years to come!
**Please note that the adjacent and vacant lot (TMK 3-6-5-13-22) is also for sale separately from this property.
65-1264 Lindsey Rd Kamuela 96743 is listed Courtesy of Luxus Hawaii Brokers Llc
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