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Single Family Home
Coffee Lots Subdivision - South Kona
TURNKEY OASIS! Welcome to your very own 7.138-acre Hawaiian paradise farm offering breathtaking ocean views, lush orchards, and income potential.
This amazing farm offers over 3 acres of producing Kona coffee and 1.5 acres of avocado trees. This is an exotic fruit orchard with over 40 types of fruit trees and dragon fruit, your taste buds will be in paradise and this provides a source of income.
The main house (1,416 sq ft) has 2BR, 2BA and boasts ocean views from inside as well as the wrap around covered lanai. The butcherblock country style kitchen with box beam ceiling is a chef's delight. The loft adds a touch of uniqueness and the open beam ceiling complements the living and dining areas. Additional parking space and tool shed below.
Above a finished 4 car garage, you’ll find a 1BR, 1BA home with a kitchen and ocean-view lanai. Below, there is a 2nd bedroom and a coin operated laundry. There's income potential as a vacation rental.
Outdoor Entertainment: The freshly painted 704 sq ft pavilion is an ideal spot for hosting weddings, retreats, farm tours or other gatherings. You’ll find a stone BBQ and an imu pit in this enchanting setting. Includes a fully plumbed outdoor bathroom, large landscaped area and parking.
In the orchard is a charming cottage (480 sq ft) with a loft, kitchen, living room, lanai and bathroom. This cottage offers great ocean views and can add rental income.
The 2210SF shade house is perfect for growing Kona coffee starts, exotic plants, and expanding your farm.
Income Potential: Generate revenue through the farm, vacation rentals, tours, weddings, or retreats. This property offers endless possibilities for entrepreneurs.
This is not just a farm; it's a lifestyle. Live your Hawaiian dream and turn your vision into reality.
Property is sold with most furnishings shown.
Copy & paste video: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1B8s3NKS_o3r7tzaX8BieFDctF0uPqT9R/view?usp=sharing
89-1409 Hawaii Belt Rd Captain Cook 96704 is listed Courtesy of United Country Real Estate-Hawaii Lifestyle Properties, Llc
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