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Single Family Home
Halekii - Onouli - South Kona
This very private and secluded property is 3.21 acres in area and comfortably located at an enviable elevation of approximately 1,700' and is less than 3/4 of a road mile upslope of Kealakekua township. Gracing the upper end of this special property is a well maintained and very appealing 2 bedroom 2.5 bath home. A picturesque ocean view and Kona's famous sunsets can be enjoyed from the west facing covered lanai.
Some of the special features of the home include:
* Bamboo flooring throughout the living area except for the bathroom floors which are tiled.
* A covered lanai of 288 sqft together with an open deck on the south side with newer Trex decking that covers an area of 646 sqft.
* A 10 panel net metered fully owned PV system that was installed in 2014.
* A 2 car carport that includes a storage room and toilet.
* Interior of house was painted in 2015, railings and deck painted in 2022.
* A circular driveway serving the house.
* Property is served by county water.
Land features:
* Gentle sloping property that is partially fenced on the south side.
* Avocado and citrus trees on upper third of the property, with Macadamia nut trees below.
* Area cleared at the lower end of the property for a potential farm dwelling.
* An easement road serving two properties one upslope and another to the south passes through the subject property.
This very private and secluded property is within walking distance to the Kona Hospital, Post Office, Schools, Banks, grocery store and Banks.
* To access the drone video tour of the property please copy and paste into a browser https://vimeo.com/889308890/116bd348b6?share=copy
81-2006 Nani Kupuna Pl Kealakekua 96750 is listed Courtesy of Sue Brown Realty And Associates
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