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Vacant Land
Hokulia Phase 1 - South Kona
Hokulia Lot #66 is located at a comfortable and commanding elevation of approximately 670' and overlooks an awe-inspiring view of a majestic coastline while in the foreground savoring the view of the incomparable Jack Nicklaus designed golf course that meanders through an unforgettable landscape.
Hokulia is an exclusive world class 1,260 acre private equity Golf Club community that boasts approximately 3 miles of dramatic coastline and rises to an elevation of approximately 700'. The crown jewel is the Jack Nicklaus Signature designed golf course consistently ranked as one of the best courses in the State of Hawaii.
The Club at Hokulia is the hub of this exclusive community and boasts world class amenities along with breathtaking ocean, coastline and hinterland views.
These amenities include:-
* Polynesian style pavilion restaurant with full bar.
* Fitness center.
* Tennis and pickleball courts.
* Men and women locker rooms.
* Pro Shop and retail store.
* Bocce ball courts.
* Spa with private massage suites.
* Lap pool.
An Equity Membership in the private Club at Hokulia is included in the Purchase Price.
Video of the property: https://vimeo.com/911083610/f7247fce8c?share=copy
81-6681 Kauaiki St Kealakekua 96750 is listed Courtesy of Sue Brown Realty And Associates
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