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Vacant Land in Kalamakumu - Kahauloaiki - South Kona Hawaii
The Pacific Farmers Co-op was a high capacity mill on 4.45 acres of fee simple land just above Kealakekua Bay.
Comprised of multiple bldgs. with newer storage facility.
This property includes the newer built visitor center that has sold retail coffee and macnuts to the many visitors frequenting the area that includes 3 newer septic systems that had been installed for this center. Easy access for both production and visitors...fabulous opportunity!!
* Historic use dates back 100 years to Dillingham Corp. in the early days of the Kona Coffee industry.
* When operating, the facility processed coffee from berries to roasted, and macs from the field to finished retail units.
* The numerous buildings for different processing makes this complex one of the top facilities in the State of Hawaii.
* Some of the MACNUT processing equipment is as follows:
* 2 million pounds per day Mac Nut Cracker
* Huskers that can process 2,000 hundred-pound bags
* Grinder for macnut shells that process 1,000 pounds per hour
* 8 Dryer holding units that can dry 35,000 pounds of Macs in shell (propane fired)
* Some of the COFFEE processing equipment (may be available) as follows:
* 8 holding tanks for 35,000 lbs of parchment coffee that can reduce it to 11.5% moisture
* Processing equipment for coffee skin processing for juice extracts for additives to cosmetics
* Dryers that can process up to 2500 pounds of coffee from dry to wet to dry for cosmetics
* 2 plate sorters that can produce 2,000 lbs. of green coffee per day
* Sizer that can process 200 pounds/minute of coffee
* Four 1,200 pound vertical dryers that can final process 3,000 pounds
* 2 inch water line serves the Mill.
Facility and all equipment sold in "As Is Condition" . Some equipment seperately
82-5810 Napoopoo Rd Captain Cook 96704 is listed Courtesy of Coast Properties Ltd.
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