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Single Family Home in Keei 1St & 2Nd - South Kona Hawaii
Please do not, under any circumstances, visit the property without a real estate agent!
Wonderful vintage Hawaiian style country cottage in use as successful 30+ day vacation rental sold turnkey furnished per exclusions list. Beautiful ocean view from extra large covered lanai (approximately 425sq.ft.). and living room windows. Meticulously cared for over the years in mint condition. Vintage kitchen with large stainless steel sink and modern appliances. Other vintage features include heartwood douglas fir flooring, heartwood redwood walls and built-in bedroom cabinetry. There is approximately 1,056 additional square footage under the house with a bathroom. Currently used for workshop & storage, but could easily be converted to a two bedroom apartment. Fruit trees include fig, jaboticaba, macadamia nuts, coffee, lychee, papaya, avocado, dragon fruit, tangerine, lemon. Perfect elevation between 1,100' and 1,200' for cool nights & warm days.
The property has two water meters. Check with the County Planning Department to see what options this opens up.
It’s hard to believe this house was built in 1959; the year Hawaii became a state!! It’s been so meticulously cared for by all the owners over the years it’s almost like brand new. But you would be hard pressed to build a new house like this because many of the materials are no longer available; such as the heartwood douglas fir flooring and the heartwood redwood walls. Also, check out the vintage details in the kitchen & bedrooms; so cool!! They just don’t make them like this anymore!! It’s like a vintage automobile; you don’t want to take off the emblems or change the engine so as to retain its vintage status & value.
83-5393 Hawaii Belt Rd Captain Cook 96704 is listed Courtesy of Hawaii Real Estate Professor Llc
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