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Single Family Home in Keei 2Nd House Lots - South Kona Hawaii
Recently remodeled home in beautiful Honaunau near Paleaku Botanical Gardens, historic "Painted Church" and a short drive to stunning Pu'uhonua O' Honaunau National Park + Honaunau Bay's "2-Step" beach area! Famed Kealakekua Bay just down the road! Boat ramp, snorkeling, kayaking, swimming, and much more await you from this great location.
This cute 2 bedroom/1 bath home is situated on a spacious 16,030 sq. ft. parcel in the sought-after lush Honaunau Valley.
Features include private separately entranced upstairs bedroom with ocean views, spacious downstairs ceramic tiled living + dining room, covered open-air veranda looking out to calming greenery and paved road access providing convenience coming and going.
Recent remodeling includes entire exterior painted, entire downstairs interior painted, revarnished wood paneling upstairs, installation of brand new dishwasher, brand new stainless steel fridge and stove, new lighting fixtures in most areas, new window systems in downstairs bedroom and kitchen, new toilet + bath features and select roof repairs.
Originally built in 1950, this special home is set amongst a serene tropical landscape and is unpermitted.
This is the perfect place to put down roots and build upon such a unique area; enjoy the mango trees, coconuts, bananas and other flora while you relax & unwind...
Captain Cook Village, with it's regional shopping center, including a popular super market, eateries and more is just 10 minutes away!
Kailua-Kona is only 25-30 minutes drive, and Keauhou Shopping Center is even closer!
83-5362-A Painted Church Rd Captain Cook 96704 is listed Courtesy of Coast Properties Ltd.
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