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Single Family Home in Keopuka - Makai - South Kona Hawaii
Close to the City, but Nestled in the Woods – This large 7.78 acre property has two permitted homes privately and peacefully set back from highway 11 with beautiful ocean views. With 550 feet of highway 11 frontage and one of the largest properties in Kealakekua the possibilities are endless. Both homes were built by a contractor for himself with above average quality materials and have been renovated in recent years. Both homes are currently rented out providing good rental income. The inner area around the houses has been fenced in for pets and one side of property line is fenced. This piece of paradise has mostly mature producing macadamia trees of roughly 100 trees which can be another source of income and coffee, avocado and mango trees to enjoy or to use as other sources of income. This prime real estate is only a short drive to Kailua Kona, Kealakekua Bay, Hospital, Groceries, Post Office, Restaurants, Shopping plus more. You can either keep it as your own huge forest, or possibly subdivide / CPR with county approval. Between the rental income and crop harvest there is a possibility of up to $150K a year in income, well over 10% ROI. This is a rare opportunity and an absolute must-see!
81-6315 Hawaii Belt Rd Captain Cook 96750 is listed Courtesy of Exp Realty
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