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Vacant Land in Kona Paradise - South Kona Hawaii
Welcome to your own piece of paradise South Kona Hawai'i style! This land has amazing unobstructed panoramic ocean views from anywhere on the lot! It is perfectly located half way down the hill between the highway and the beautiful private pebble beach at the bottom of the subdivision.
The Kona Paradise subdivision is so unique and lives up to its name 111%. This majestic and serene community boasts a hidden treasure pebble beach that residents and visitors alike come and enjoy for picnics, swimming, snorkeling, kayaking, paddle boarding and scuba diving all year round! There are also various hiking trials nearby that can be explored for your weekend adventures.
This unique land is just one lot down from the road end that sits next to 80 acres of undeveloped land to enhance your peace, tranquility and privacy even further! You can also save time by utilizing the existing drawings that are available and just updating them to meet current code.
The property has already been approved for Archaeological, which has to be done prior to building. Civil Engineering was approved, and land surveys were also approved as well as being successfully Kona Paradise Property Owners Association approved. The property has also been permitted as well for vertical septic system and excavation. A topographical map has also been done too, which all in all shows the potential very clearly that this little gem is absolutely ready and approvable for building.
Come and see and feel the magic of this land with your own eyes and with your own heart so you are more able to fully realize the value of the opportunity!
87-3179 Honu Hiamoe Rd Captain Cook 96704 is listed Courtesy of Equity Hawaii Real Estate Llc
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