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Vacant Land in Milolii Beach Lots Subdivision - South Kona Hawaii
Gorgeous OCEANFRONT lot located in South Kona just waiting for your dream home! Epic views all the way to Kailua-Kona and even Maui on a clear day! Miloli’i is the last Hawaiian fishing village with some of the best fishing and scuba diving in all of Hawaii! This Lot has been graded with a rock wall frontage and some retaining walls throughout. There is rustic ocean access down the rocks and the coolest natural archway into the ocean. This lot is unique with its depth, being one of the deepest (longest) lots on Kai Ave which should make it easier to build on. This parcel also has an installed septic (with open permit, more info avail). Miloli’i has a great community park at the end of this same street and is just minutes away from one of the best beaches on the island, Honomalino Bay. There is also a boat ramp to launch your boat just down in the village and it’s not far from shopping in the town of Ocean View with restaurants, gas, rubbish dump, hardware store and so much more! SELLER FINANCING AVAILABLE with $75k+ down and terms are negotiable.
The seller brought and gathered rocks for more rock walls and wasn’t able to finish them, so the lot also comes with the rocks (aka Kona Blue Gold - blue rock) for someone to continue his dream of more rock walls throughout. There is an installed septic system that was not finaled but should be able to have it inspected and finaled, per the Waste water branch as an AS BUILT permit (sellers agent has more info from WWB). This area is peaceful and serene, your Ocean Front Hawaii dream life awaits!
88-161 Kai Avenue Captain Cook 96704 is listed Courtesy of Hawaii Life
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