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Single Family Home
Okoe 1St & 2Nd - South Kona
Unique & one of a kind property .
Two homes +++ on 3.78 acres for sale~ There are so many uses for this property!
Permitted & Very Well built Studio new in 2016/2018 with Spacious kitchen and bathroom, Cork Flooring and very nice finishes through out.
Covered patio off the front as well as side of home & Connected to this, is another permitted structure with two full baths, kitchen and large living area and sleeping area. Screened in front patio facing the wonderful sunsets & view.
There are two other large storage areas for equipment, shelving shown in the photos that are in the front of the dwellings.
The property has been planted with a variety of citrus, avocados, papaya, banana as well as 2200 grafted coffee trees.
Huge Quonset style green house for growing fruit, veggies or for plant propagation. The water source is close, and plentiful . If your crop is bountiful there is a fruitstand for you to sell your crops that fronts highway 11. There is good visibility and room for vehicles to pull off the road.
There's room for chickens too & onsite is an Adorable chicken coop, raise chickens and have fresh eggs & your own home grown fertilizer.
There are two 20,000 gallon water tanks, one that services the dwellings below and the other near the top of the property for the green house and the worker living area.
This building is not permitted but is spacious living area with a full bath, kitchen & sliding glass door to a picturesque setting. It is peaceful & private.
There are 2200 grafted Coffee plants , huge banana grove and a wide assortment of other fruit trees as well.
This property is fenced.
The back of the property fronts the Highway where there has been a fruit stand in the past. This has good frontage & exposure, very quiet and self contained.
Buyer to verify any and all data that is pertanent to them and their purchase
89-810 Old Mamalahoa Highway Captain Cook 96704 is listed Courtesy of Coldwell Banker Island Properties - Kona
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