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Single Family Home in Pahoehoe (1St - 4Th)-Makauu 3Rd - South Kona Hawaii
GORGEOUS and PRIVATE ESTATE with JAW DROPPING OCEAN VIEWS! Welcome to this beautiful gated 6 acres in South Kona with panoramic ocean views that stretch north to Kona all the way south past Milolii! The property has over 900 coffee trees with a maximum coffee production that has been in excess of 6000 pounds. The orchard contains over 20 natural ohia trees, avocado, mango, breadfruit, fig, orange, lemon, lime, grapefruit and more, about 120 fruit trees in all that are fed through a complete irrigation system. This custom home is a stunner and comes turn-key furnished with everything you will need to seamlessly move in along with some gorgeous custom koa furniture. Upon entry through the beautiful wood gates that lead into a serene courtyard you will feel just how zen this place really feels. The sidewalk meanders over a koi pond with a custom Marlin fish sculpture to the front entry that leads your eyes to the massive ocean views ahead. The custom painted murals in the courtyard perfectly depict the Kona farm life along with painted koi fish and ocean life that is all about living on the Big Island.
More notable features include:
* Additional 1bed/1bath unit with separate entrance.
* Koa dining table with10 koa chairs, koa veneer built ins, 2 koa sideboards and a koa Steinway
piano all designed for each space.
* Two 10,000 gallon water catchments for the home and a 6,000 gallon water catchment for
* Solar hot water along with leased solar electric costing $172 per month and is transferable.
* Working John Deere tractor, attachments and tools included.
* 4-5 person hot tub.
* Lovely stained glass and painted glass features surprise you throughout the home
* Bamboo flooring in living areas, beautiful stained concrete in bathrooms and kitchen with carpet
in bedrooms.
* Top grade appliances include subzero fridge/freezer, double wolf ovens and cooktop, kitchen
aid dishwasher and warming drawer.
87-3599 Hawaii Belt Rd Captain Cook 96704 is listed Courtesy of Aloha Kona Realty Inc.
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