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Single Family Home
Anini Vista - Hanalei
Welcome to 3320 Kalihiwai Road at Anini Vista. Here you'll discover a 3.6-acre enclave with a mature fruit orchard, simply amazing ocean and mountain views and a like-new residence that was just completely renovated with no expense spared and no detail overlooked.
The top-to-bottom, every-surface-touched renovation incorporates a slew of high-end fixtures, materials and design touches. The property features five bedrooms and five baths, four which are ensuite. There is an extensive utilization of natural hardwoods like Afromosia, Monkey Pod, Red Cedar and Accoya, combined with a variety of Slab Granites and Quartzites. Pacific Millworks custom doors, closets and built-ins are featured throughout the residence. The Kitchen includes a pantry and Afromosia-paneled Sub-Zero fridge & freezer and Cove dishwasher, along with three stainless steel Wolf ovens and an induction cooktop. The ample sliders are Fleetwood, the plentiful windows, Milgard. The new insulated roof accommodates a 36-panel photovoltaic system powering three Tesla Powerwall 13.5 KWh batteries. The 900-sqft garage has high ceilings along with two wall-mount doors and plenty of storage making for an ideal workshop and water toy storage
This gated ridgetop home provides an incredible view of Mount Namahana, like you've never seen it before, and whitewater views into Kalihiwai Bay with the Kilauea Lighthouse in the distance. At the foot of the property, you'll find a fenced 2-acre organic 100-fruit-bearing-tree orchard that includes mango, orange, lime, banana, papaya, lychee and rambutan, among others. In the valley astride the residence, stairs and pathways lead to a fenced garden giving a glimpse into the past with indigenous and endemic trees, shrubs and ferns.
3320 Kalihiwai Road is a superlative combination of new construction, world class views and a self-sustaining lifestyle at a perfect North Shore locale.
Video Tour: https://player.vimeo.com/video/902062947?
3320 Kalihiwai Rd 3 Kilauea 96754 is listed Courtesy of Compass
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