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Single Family Home
Anini - Hanalei
PRICE REDUCTION of $215,000.00
Inviting Kauai Retreat At Anini Beach
This four-bedroom, two-bathroom home with a loft is located near the tropical beach of Anini Beach and sits on over 17,000 sq. ft. of lush yard space. A licensed vacation home, it’s perfect for use as a personal retreat or short-term rental. The spacious interior blends comfort with beach living, making it ideal for relaxation, gatherings, and entertainment.
Anini Beach, a slender, two-mile stretch of sand, boasts one of Hawaii's largest coral reef structures. Nestled on Kauai's North Shore between Princeville and Kilauea, it provides an idyllic setting for swimming, windsurfing, and kayaking. The beach’s calm waters and private coastline are ideal for beginner and advanced swimmers. While celebrities and wealthy residents own mansions on the cliffs above, there are still hidden spots where you can find solitude. Anini's extensive reef ensures gentle waves, creating one of the best snorkeling spots on Kauai. The tranquil surroundings and hidden spots offer a peaceful retreat away from the hustle and bustle. With this extensive natural fringing coral reef comes protected, sheltered, and shallow waters, making Anini Beach one of the best Kauai snorkeling & swimming beaches in Hawaii.
This is one of the most unique Kauai Property locations being offered for sale and it can be yours to purchase now.
3591 Anini Rd Kilauea 96754 is listed Courtesy of Aloha Sotheby's International Realty - Kauai
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