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Single Family Home in Anini - Hanalei Kauai
On the tranquil shores of Anini Beach sits this remarkable 1-acre beachfront residence on Kauai’s North Shore. With 315 feet of sandy beach frontage, this curated estate property offers a desirable oceanfront lifestyle setting.
The estate features two separate residences designed by award-winning architect, Norman Lacayo. Maximizing the panoramic ocean horizon view, Lacayo deftly blends contemporary design with subtle Hawaiian and Japanese influences, harmoniously set within the estate’s natural surroundings.
The main residence is a single-story, 3,119-square-foot home with three ocean view bedroom suites and an open concept main living area. Sliding glass walls in the living, dining, and primary bedroom open to the tropical grounds and serene ocean views, offering seamless indoor-outdoor living. The guest residence, a 960-square-foot, two-story home, includes a well-appointed studio suite on the upper level and a versatile finished space on the ground floor along with a two-car garage. Recent improvements include wood flooring and cabinetry, split A/C systems throughout, refreshed landscaping, a new septic, and a photovoltaic system with Tesla batteries. Lush gardens surround the property, offering privacy and a scenic foreground framing the unobstructed ocean views.
Anini Beach’s reef-protected turquoise waters provide year-round swimming, snorkeling, paddle boarding, and fishing just steps across the soft sand. Excellent surf spots and a boat launch are conveniently nearby. The estate is located a short distance from Kilauea Town, world-class golf and shopping in Princeville, The 1 Hotel Hanalei Bay Resort, and the vibrant charm of Hanalei. Featured in the classic rom-com “Honeymoon in Vegas” and once owned by R.E.M. guitarist Peter Buck, this home has been graced by its fair share of glam. The estate includes two oceanfront parcels and a Transient Vacation Rental (TVR) permit, allowing for short-term rentals.
3670 Anini Rd Kilauea 96754 is listed Courtesy of Hawaii Life
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