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Single Family Home
Princeville At Hanalei - Hanalei
Revel in the luxury and private oasis setting 5383 Kapaka St. has to offer. Located at the top of Kapaka St., you’ll enjoy gorgeous expansive mountain and sunset views. Whether it’s scenic walks or exhilarating bike rides, this gated estate provides the perfect blend of privacy, elegance and island living.
The recent extensive and meticulous addition features 4 bedrooms and 3.5 baths. The generous primary suite is perfectly located to create your own private sanctuary. In addition, the home offers a highly desired spacious O’hana space perfect for extended family. The plush interior features a lavish open floorplan, 10 ft. ceilings, chef’s kitchen, ductless air conditioning, wood burning fireplace and Lifeproof flooring throughout.
The pristine exterior of the home offers multiple over-sized Ipe hardwood lanais with stainless steel cable system, perfect for outdoor living including family dinners and entertaining. 2.10 acres of lush tropical landscaping provides an abundance of privacy, 2 outdoor showers, enormous covered storage, and mature fruit-bearing trees including: Mangos, avocados, mangosteen, lychee, bananas, tangelo, tangerine, lime, lemon, star fruit.
The optimal location of Kapaka St. provides easy access to world class beaches, surf, shopping, restaurants, Princeville (golf, tennis and pickleball) resort amenities and the luxurious One Hotel. This rarely available opportunity is the perfect Kaua’i family getaway for the most fastidious homeowner.
5383 Kapaka St 2 Princeville 96722 is listed Courtesy of Makana Kauai Properties, Llc
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