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Single Family Home
Princeville - Hanalei
Introducing 3560 Kaweonui Road, this property was last on market over 20-years ago. Given the location and views these are the properties that become a legacy for their owners and 3560 is no different. Accessed just off the cul-de-sac circle, 3560 is set on an extra-large lot by Princeville standards at 15,367 sqft. This west-facing location is one of the few "box seats" within the Princeville Resort and as such there are big sky, white water, ocean views with everyday Instagram sunsets. The Kaweonui Point property has mature landscaping, lots of lava rock wall accents and looks over the verdant valley below as it spills into the ocean.
The vintage residence with six bedrooms, five baths and a studio office features a tile roof, four split zone AC units, expansive interior redwood paneling, hardwood floors in the living area, a sauna and several spacious lanais. The kitchen features stainless appliances, lots of cabinet storage and striking black granite countertop and backsplash. There are floor-to-ceiling ocean views from nearly every room along with a soaring wall of windows and vaulted ceiling in the super spacious living area; a pretty dramatic setting.
This is a substantial "view" property on a large lot in a private locale the likes of which are no longer available. This property was built 45-years ago, and although functional today, it is deserved of a long overdue renovation honoring its character while putting on a fresh shine. Please don't let the photos fool you; it needs a big hug. It will therefore be sold in "AS IS" condition.
3560 Kaweonui Road has ably served as a full-time, part time and vacation rental residence in the past and been a gathering place for many festive occasions and looks forward to being so in the future.
Check out the Aerial Video here: https://player.vimeo.com/video/1041811090
3560 Kaweonui Rd Princeville 96722 is listed Courtesy of Compass
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