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Princeville - Hanalei
PRICE JUST REDUCED. HIGHLY MOTIVATED SELLER. All reasonable offers will be considered.
This premium top-floor, end unit at Alii Kai phase 1 is ideally positioned along the ocean bluff to capture stunning white water and coastline views. The open living, kitchen, and dining areas feature extra windows for ample light and cool trade winds. The unit includes two spacious bedrooms with direct, expansive ocean views and two full baths. Luxury travertine flooring is installed throughout, ensuring low maintenance and making it ideal for rentals. Currently, it is a successful turn-key vacation rental being offered fully furnished.
Outdoor enthusiasts will appreciate the ability to hike to hidden coves or take a short drive to the world-famous Hanalei Bay. The location is also conveniently close to shopping, dining, golf, tennis, hiking, and all that the north shore has to offer.
Recent upgrades include:
- 3 new Split-zoned AC units
- Indoor paint throughout
- New electrical upgrades
- Professionally designed layout of furniture in each room
- New window treatments in each room
- New ceiling fans in each room
- Resurfaced bathroom tubs
3780 Edward Rd 7204 Princeville 96722 is listed Courtesy of Hawaii Life
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