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Single Family Home
Princeville - Hanalei
Welcomed by the palm tree-lined driveway,it is clear this property is sure to please. This 3 bedroom,3 1/2 bath home combines the true warmth of the islands with its open concept living, high ceilings & it's spacious flow.Upon entering,you step into the living room space with its relaxed ambiance.Just beyond, there is a charming bar area that makes the perfect gathering space.To the right is the dining & kitchen area.The glass sliding doors allow for plenty of light while the kitchen is tucked into its own spacious nook with plenty of storage & counter space. You will find that the 2-car garage next to the kitchen, includes its own 1/2 bath, washer, dryer & large water heater.A big plus is that everything is included in the sale. Not only furniture, but the kitchenware, paintings & decor as well.It is a dream to simple turn the key and step into your already-made home.To the left of the home's entrance, you will find the perfect flow of 2 bedrooms, each with their own bathroom-one with a bathtub & the other a shower.Each bedroom has ample light that streams in from the large 2 windows.They also have their own sliding door closets,providing plenty of storage.There is additional storage in the hall & under the stairs as well.When you ascend the staircase,you will notice the lovely faux finish artistry on the walls- it creates a a warmth that is truly Hawaiian.The upstairs has a magnificent master bedroom with high ceilings, plenty of light & its own private balcony- a perfect place to enjoy the lush scenery & catch the light tropical breeze.This bedroom has its own seating area where you can enjoy the view of Kauai's beautiful mountain range.The en suite bathroom is luxurious with its whirlpool bathtub, double sink & an extra large shower, amazing carpeted walk-in closet that allows for plenty of storage, bathroom floor is slate & the bedroom Pergo type bamboo flooring. In the VDA near world class golf, beautiful beaches, shopping & restaurants.
4014 Kekaulike Ln Princeville 96722 is listed Courtesy of Aloha Sotheby's International Realty - Kauai
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