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Princeville - Hanalei
Ocean view home is perched on a valley ridge with ocean, valley and golf course views from all the primary rooms in this distinctive home. Great personal home or could be used as an investment property. Located on 18-acre parcel in Queen Emma's Bluffs. Kaiulani is one of the most prestigious areas of Princeville, Kauai. Elegant casual furnishing upgrades. Gallery art throughout with local renowned Hanalei scenes. Unique and commanding abalone floor to ceiling glass tile fireplace wall, another highlight when entertaining. Matching abalone bar back splash complimenting the fireplace wall with wet bar with Sub Zero refrigerator are viewed from the bridge above. Kitchen features Subzero and Wolf built-in stainless-steel appliances, new Bosch dishwasher, new LG washer and dryer, Custom maple suede cabinets with black granite slab counter tops throughout kitchen and bathrooms. All bathrooms have been up graded. 7 ft solid core doors Kohler + Grohe plumbing. Downstairs includes Sanctuary deck and two-story state of the art waterfall with interior privacy for aesthetic or meditation enjoyment. Large storage area conversion "the Tiffany Room" including board storage and wine room. Home also has surround system. Common amenities: 3heated pools, spa, 2 BBQ pavilions, lighted walking paths.
4100 Queen Emma's Dr 20 Princeville 96722 is listed Courtesy of Oceanfront Sotheby's International Realty
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