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Princeville - Hanalei
*Price Reduced*
Ka’iulani 54 is a thoughtfully designed and executed 3 bedroom 3 bath 2,475 sqft townhome with an attached 450 sqft two-car garage that feels and lives like a single family residence. If you are not familiar with Ka'iulani, they feature a roomy living area, air conditioning throughout, a spacious kitchen with Sub-Zero and Wolf built-in stainless-steel appliances, Aristocratic cabinetry and slab granite counters. Kaiulani 54 features a gas cooktop, Teak hardwood flooring, custom closet systems, updated fans and lights and a fresh coat of interior paint. The three bedrooms are generous and the three bathrooms sumptuous, a separate laundry room with sink and storage is a bonus.
The lanai opens to a wide swath of verdant lawn creating a generous retreat providing private outdoor living and entertaining. Enjoy the sunset views filtered through the lush landscaping fronting the newly renovated Prince Golf Course. In the distance, you can see and hear the crashing waves at Anini Reef.
Ka’iulani is a pristine, luxury resort setting, frankly the best Princeville has to offer. The meticulously manicured community is laid out over 18-acres on a blufftop, complete with several water features creating a sublime setting where it's resort-like, but peaceful. This amenity rich enclave with on-site property management and lit walking paths features a sophisticated pool complex with three heated pools including a 50' lap pool and spa along with two BBQ pavilions.
Ka'iulani has become a destination for the discreet traveler for extended stays who's willing to pay the premium for all that it has to offer. Whether you are looking for hands-free full-time living, a high-end, low-maintenance second home with a private residential feel or a property that you can let for extended stays; Ka'iulani is one of the few island destinations that satisfies any or all those needs.
Drone Fly-through Video: https://tinyurl.com/ewuzubpf
4100 Queen Emma's Dr 54 Princeville 96722 is listed Courtesy of Compass
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