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Princeville - Hanalei
Discover this serene rare and unique sought after upper floor 1-bedroom, 2-bath condominium on Kauai’s beautiful North Shore. The top floor units offer vaulted ceilings with generous loft for additional sleeping area.
Successful Turnkey Vacation Rental: Surrounded by lush tropical landscapes, this top-floor unit features multiple entrances. Conveniently located by the sparkling pool and BBQ area in the relaxing atmosphere of the Princeville community. Having two assigned parking spots makes parking stress free.
This smaller complex consists of 26 units in 11 buildings and is in the VDA (Visitor
Destination Area). This allows you to use it as a short-term vacation rental or long-term rental. The unique floor plan offers you the option to live in one portion and rent the other. Use as a second home or enjoy it as a full time residence.
Whether you’re looking for a private retreat or a vacation home, this Princeville Property offers the perfect balance of privacy and convenience.
A nice hiking trail boarders a portion of the Paniolo complex and leads you down to beautiful Anini Beach. Enjoy the tropical warm ocean ideal for swimming and snorkeling. Also this unit is a short walk to dining & shopping at the Princeville Center.
TEE - UP and Golf at the beautifully acclaimed 18 Hole Princeville Makai Golf Course designed by Robert Trent Jones Jr. just down the road. AND a short drive to Hanalei town is the world-renowned "Hanalei Bay" with its many surf spots and a two mile stretch of white sandy beach.
4480 Ka Haku Rd 204 Princeville 96722 is listed Courtesy of Aloha Sotheby's International Realty - Kauai
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