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Condo in Princeville - Hanalei Kauai
This tastefully decorated upstairs 3BD/3BA Plantation unit is being sold fully furnished as a turnkey, highly successful vacation rental. The well-appointed open-concept kitchen features attractive green leather granite countertops and stainless-steel appliances. All three bedrooms are ideally separated with no common walls for fantastic privacy for kids, extended family, or friends. The central lanai is one of main gathering spots for this great property, featuring attractive and very comfortable outdoor furniture and opening to both the living room and the primary bedroom. Newer central air conditioning system and thermostat for added comfort and peace of mind. The 1-car garage is fully outfitted with beach chairs, snorkeling gear, surfboards, and bikes to give both you and your guests a truly magical experience. The pool area has a hot tub, BBQ’s, large, tranquil waterfall and outdoor shower. The entire complex had brand new roofs installed in 2023.
Very successful owner managed vacation rental! Open for showings in between bookings September 12th - 15th . Buyer to cooperate in 1031-tax deferred exchange at no cost to buyer.
4771 Pepelani Lp 1121 Princeville 96722 is listed Courtesy of Re/Max Kauai - Princeville Office
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