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Condo in Princeville - Hanalei Kauai
Plantation 212 has everything you could want in a Princeville condo. This unit is conveniently located close to the entrance and pedestrian sidewalk but off of the main road of Ka Haku and just far enough from the pool that it keeps its peaceful quiet charm. Plantation at Princeville is well known for it's white columns and classic Hawaiian design. This unit enjoys central A/C and a new roof on the building. Nicely upgraded, well taken care of, and being sold fully furnished this unit is truly turn key ready for it's new owners. This complex resides in the Visitor Destination Area giving you the option to do short term vacation rentals or live here full time. You are just steps away from the numerous amenities like the waterfall pool, hot tub, BBQs, clubhouse, and gym. Also walking distance to world class white sandy beaches scenic sea cliffs.
Excellent financial history. All bookings are managed by Evolve. Manager is paid $500/month and cleaner paid $300/per clean.
4771 Pepelani Lp 212 Princeville 96722 is listed Courtesy of Kauai Tropical Properties, Inc.
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